If, we could get past the rhetoric, and empty promises of certain politicians, with some sort of populist agenda, we would realize, globalism, and the global economy, is a reality, and it makes far more sense to recognize it, and prepare more effectively, in order to proceed, in a relevant, sustainable, meaningful, effective manner! The vast majority of the major corporations, are global companies, doing business, around the world! The reality is, very few products, are made entirely in the United States, and/ or, entirely composed of American - made and produced components! In July, 2019, Former Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen, said, The United States isn't an island. We're part of a global economy. What happens in the rest of the world, affects the United States. Denying reality, and governing by motto/ slogan, may garner votes, but serves little purpose! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 examples of, what President Trump, either doesn't understand, and/ or, care about, regarding the best way to proceed, into the future.
1. Environmental/ Climate Change: No amount of denial, and/ or, refusing the consider, seriously, the scientific evidence, will make it go away! President Trump's intention to be the sole nation, to withdraw from the Paris Accords, reverse many environmental protections, permit lots of environmentally dangerous explorations, etc, is not, either, realistic, or forward - thinking!
2. Multi- national businesses/ corporations: Automobiles, electronics, clothing, and many other major industries, are dominated by corporations, who do business, worldwide! It isn't realistic, to deny this reality, nor, does it make any sustainable sense!
3. Impact of BREXIT: Mr. Trump was one of the earliest public leaders, outside the United Kingdom, to endorse, and support BREXIT. While the citizens of that nation, were split, and/ or, confused about the ramifications/ reality, major areas, such as Northern Ireland, and Scotland, overwhelmingly opposed this action! Recently, we have witnessed, a weakening of the pound - sterling, a loss of business within the U.K., and a major weakness in their housing market, and values! In many ways, this effort paralleled, Trump's emphasis, on focusing, more on populist efforts, and appealing to fears, and prejudice, than sound policy!
4. Trade wars/ tariffs: The President's style, of using tariffs, and trade wars, as a political, and economic weapon, and declaring, others will pay for it, is, in some ways, similar to his rhetoric, when he promised, Mexico would pay for his Southern Wall! The reality is, trade wars, and tariffs, in the end - result, are paid for by the American consumer, because, eventually, businesses pass these costs along, to the end - users!
5. Honoring pacts/ agreements; supporting traditional allies: Focusing on breaking - down international pacts and agreements, without fully considering, how to replace them, is, neither realistic, relevant, and/ or, sustainable! How safe is it, to stop supporting traditional allies, while, getting cozy with the world's dictators, such as Putin, and Kim?
Globalism, and the global economy, are a reality, so, doesn't it make sense, to proceed accordingly, and become relevant, sustainable leaders, of the rest, of the world? Wake up, America, and demand better, and wiser leadership!
Donald Trump