Minggu, 20 Januari 2019

influencer marketing indonesia

Influencer marketing memang sedang hits saat ini. Tapi, bagaimana dengan hasil dari influencer program Anda? Apakah lebih baik? Simak artikel berikut yang akan mengupas cara untuk mengukur kinerja influencer pada kampanye Instagram brand Anda. https://jasabrandingjakarta.shutterfly.com/
Tetapkan Tujuan
Anda memutuskan untuk bekerjasama dengan influencer? Sebelum Anda bermitra dengan influencer, ada baiknya Anda sudah tahu tujuan akhir yang ingin Anda capai. Bukan hanya sekedar ingin ikutan tren influencer marketing saja, tetapi Anda harus memiliki pendekatan berbasis data yang akan membantu Anda mendefinisikan kesuksesan kampanye Anda.
Tetapkan tujuan yang jelas untuk diri Anda sendiri tentang apa yang ingin Anda capai. Pastikan bahwa tujuan Anda dapat diukur dan spesifik. Jangan lupa gunakan formula SMART alias specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time dalam menetapkan tujuan program influencer marketing Anda.
Adanya akses ke berbagai metrik social media saat ini, akan membantu Anda untuk dapat melacak dan melaporkan tujuan Anda. Yang patut Anda ketahui adalah influencer dapat digunakan di setiap tahap buyer’s journey. Oleh sebab itu, sasaran atau target yang Anda tetapkan akan berbeda bergantung sesuai dengan tahap yang ingin Anda raih.
Misalnya, Anda ingin berkolaborasi dengan influencer untuk meningkatkan brand awareness. Dalam hal ini, menganalisis jangkauan dan engagement kampanye Anda akan menjadi yang paling efektif. Hal berbeda bila Anda ingin menargetkan followers atau audiens yang siap membeli maka mendorong penjualan akan menjadi tujuan Anda. Cara terbaik untuk melacak penjualan influencer Anda adalah dengan memantau konversi UTM dan penjualan Anda.
Berikut beberapa contoh sasaran yang dapat Anda tetapkan dengan influencer marketing:
  • Meningkatkan traffic web sebesar X% dalam 2 bulan
  • Meningkatkan jumlah followers Instagram dengan jumlah X setiap minggu
  • Meningkatkan brand mention di social media sebesar X% dalam satu bulan
Ada empat pendekatan analitis yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengukur kampanye influencer marketing Anda. Diantaranya adalah:
#1. Melacak Efektivitas Konten: Ukur Engagement Rate
Engagement rate adalah salah satu goals Anda untuk influencer marketing yang merupakan investasi jangka panjang. Meskipun mungkin tidak memiliki nilai moneter secara langsung, tapi mengukur keterlibatan untuk mendapatkan penggemar yang lebih kuat yang akhirnya akan menjadi basis pelanggan dalam jangka panjang.
Engagement adalah alat prediksi yang baik untuk pertumbuhan sebuah brand di masa depan, bukan hanya sekedar produk tertentu saja. Penggemar yang kerap berinteraksi dan terlibat di social media dengan brand atau bisnis tertentu memiliki kecenderungan untuk loyal. Makanya, engagement rate juga menjadi metrik penting untuk diperhatikan ketika memilih influencer. Influencer yang memiliki banyak pengikut tetapi sedikit interaksi dan keterlibatan tidak akan memiliki efek yang sama dengan mereka yang memiliki audiens yang aktif.
Saat Anda meluncurkan kampanye, pantau total keterlibatan serta tingkat keterlibatan setiap pos influencer. Ini akan memberi tahu Anda seberapa baik konten Anda beresonansi dengan khalayak influencer secara keseluruhan, serta jenis konten khusus yang berjalan paling baik. Melacak engagement ini tidak boleh hanya berfokus pada angka. Perhatikan pula kualitasnya. Anda mungkin belum lupa formula untuk menghitung engagement rate bukan?
Engagement rate = engagement = (likes + komentar) : reach
Nah untuk dapat mengukur CPE atau Cost per Engagement influencer marketing Anda, cukup bagikan total anggaran influencer Anda dengan jumlah keterlibatan.
Cost per Engagement = total budget influencer marketing : engagement
#2. Melacak Earn Media Space: Lacak Frekuensi Hashtag
Sebagai digital marketer atau social media marketer, Anda pasti setuju bahwa sulit untuk mengabaikan kekuatan hashtag. Saat influencer memposting ke pengikutnya, hashtag mereka mungkin akan muncul sebagai tren. Ketika menggunakan influencer Instagram untuk kampanye marketing Anda, tentukan metrik hashtag mana yang menjadi fokus, termasuk seberapa sering hashtag branded yang digunakan, serta hashtag unik khusus untuk influencer.
Untuk promosi dan kontes melalui posting influencer, Anda bisa menggunakan hashtag seperti #giveaway. Anda juga bisa menyertakan aturan dan ketentuan yang dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi sasaran Anda, seperti mengikuti akun Anda atau terlibat dengan pos. Sebagai contoh, Anda bisa meminta influencer untuk menggunakan tagar seperti #commenttowin dan #liketowin.
Anda juga harus mencari tahu topik hashtag mana yang sedang tren, dan mendapatkan influencer untuk menumbuhkan jumlah pengikut dan engagement. Dapatkan inspirasi dari pengguna Instagram lainnya dengan mencari tag #sponsor. Dengan penggunaan hashtag juga berguna untuk menemukan influencer baru. Caranya? Gunakan analitik Instagram untuk melihat pengguna mana yang paling aktif dan populer dari hashtag tertentu.
#3. Melacak Konversi: Set Up Parameter UTM
Parameter UTM adalah tag yang ada di dalam URL. Dengan menggunakan Google Analytics Campaign URL Builder, Anda dapat menambahkan parameter UTM ke URL untuk melacak kampanye influencer Anda di Google Analytics. Selanjutnya, Anda akan menerima data tentang situs tempat iklan muncul, nama kampanye, kata kunci yang digunakan, dan banyak lagi. Dengan Google Analytics ini akan memungkinkan Anda secara langsung mengukur tautan mana yang berkontribusi pada konversi spesifik Anda.
#4. Melacak Penjualan/Sales: Lacak Kode Promo dan Afiliasi
Kampanye influencer marketing yang kuat akan menghasilkan penjualan sebagai ROI terbesar yang diharapkan dapat dilihat dari influencer mereka. Anda bisa menggunakan tautan afiliasi, dan kode promo untuk membantu mengukur apakah influencer menghasilkan jumlah penjualan yang berharga.
Menghasilkan tautan afiliasi untuk influencer Anda adalah cara paling sederhana untuk memeriksa ROI Anda dalam hal penjualan. Influencer akan menerima komisi untuk mengarahkan pelanggan ke situs Anda melalui tautan ini. Selain itu, tautan afiliasi menampilkan click-through rate (CTR) ke situs Anda, jumlah penjualan, dan nilai rata-rata setiap pembelian.
Selain afiliasi, kode promo merupakan cara hebat lain untuk mengukur pengaruh influencer pada penjualan. Saat Anda menetapkan kode promo untuk influencer, selalu ada kemungkinan KPI Anda dapat melampaui penjualan. Ketika pelanggan menggunakan kode promo yang tercantum dalam konten, Anda juga dapat melacak pembelian mereka di masa mendatang.
Dengan penggunaan kode yang dipersonalisasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan dengan tepat di mana penjualan Anda berasal. Sebagai hasilnya, Anda dapat menghitung ROI dengan mudah karena dapat melihat dengan tepat berapa banyak penjualan yang dibawa oleh influencer Anda.
Bekerjasama dengan influencer yang tepat dapat membantu memperkuat jangkauan Anda. Tetapi pastikan Anda sudah melakukan beberapa persiapan sebelum terjun ke dalam influencer marketing. Lakukan penggalian dan analisis audiens Anda saat ini untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan influencer yang tepat. Harus ada kesamaan antara audiens yang Anda miliki dan yang Anda ingin targetkan. Setelah menemukan kecocokan yang sempurna, Anda dapat mulai menjelajahi tujuan marketing yang diinginkan.
Anda juga dapat mengevaluasi pengaruh kampanye influencer marketing Anda dengan banyak cara. Untuk dapat memilih pengukuran mana yang tepat untuk kampanye influencer Anda, kenali tujuan Anda. Perusahaan besar sekelas Disney mungkin akan lebih tepat untuk menggunakan KPI branding atau brand awareness. Sementara bisnis kecil mungkin akan lebih fokus pada menghasilkan penjualan langsung. Oleh sebab itu, apa yang Anda lacak tergantung pada sasaran Anda dan bagaimana kampanye tersebut diukur.
Ada sudah tahu namun masih bingung atau tidak memiliki waktu? Serahkan ke kami! ChubbyRawit, digital marketing agency, akan membantu marketing Anda! Seperti membangun keberadaan online Anda, mencari dan kolaborasi dengan influencer yang cocok dengan Brand Anda, memberikan strategi terukur dan pastinya membantu meningkatkan Brand Awareness serta Penjualan Anda!

Jumat, 11 Januari 2019

Guide to Collecting Redline Hot Wheels

Sexy  Wheels initially came out into the marketplace in 1968. They debuted with 16 distinct cars, which are commonly known as the"Sweet Sixteen". These 16 automobiles came in various colours and were initially produced in the United States manufacturing plants and Hong Kong plants. Shortly, this was altered to automobiles being exclusively manufactured in the USA or Hong Kong, and from 1972 all the Hot Wheels cars were manufactured solely in Hong Kong.

From 1968 to 1977, all  That the Hot Wheels cars had tires painted red lines . This proved to be a really distinguishable characteristic of those ancient Hot Wheel designs and is why this era of Hot Wheels manufacturing is called the"Redline Era" and the cars themselves are called Redline Hot Wheels.

The Redliners stood out of the competition from the little model car for many different motives that helped to make them so common. They were also called California Custom Miniatures in the time along with also the Redline Hot Wheels cars represented American culture and society, in addition to American automobiles.

Of the initial 16 versions introduced in 1968, 9 of these were Customized versions of real, in-production vehicles at this time along with another 7 versions were show cars and racing automobiles. A few of the attributes these Redline Hot Wheels had which create them readily identifiable are:

Spectaflame Paint: This paint was metallic in character and had several bright, glistening and eye-catching colours.
Redline Wheels: According to All the first Hot Wheels are now Called Redline Hot Wheels, for its red paint around the tires.
Chrome Rims/Hubs: The other famed feature is that the chrome rims. When the cars were made both in Hong Kong and the USA, the Hong Kong wheels generally had shinier, brighter chrome.
Customization: Even though the Redliners were located from real automobiles, they were customized and were developed to depict a habit or"hot rod" style. All these customizations often included highlighting the raw energy of this engine.

There's a big market For the gathering of their first Redline cars. Whether You're looking To finish your own personal collection or trying to sell your old toys, it's  Important to understand where you stand.  Be a abstract art, with various collectors or buyers searching for Various elements. A number of the various grading levels to Know about  are:

dodge coronet hot wheels
A"mint condition" Redline will look almost entirely original and  unused. The chrome wheels are ideal, the paint is not chipped or faded Significantly and there are no significant marks or scratches.
A"near mint" car might seem largely intact but gets the minor Flaws that hinder it being ranked as mint.  Or chipping of paint, some harm to the chrome wheels and so forth. 
An"excellent" Redline may have observable damage to the paint, the  Wheels and the entire body. While it finishes a collection it Wouldn't be Mistaken for a fresh or mint degree collectible. Clearly the more harm to a Specific car, the lower It's Going to be Rated and the it will be worthwhile. So it is Ideal to do your own research, Ask questions and that way you'll have added to a collection sensibly.

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2019

Benefits of Gambling - PC and Video Games

Reworked Games

New PC and video games aren't just effective at supplying pleasure and fun for everybody, but they're also able to give particular benefits and benefits.

With the support of innovative technology and fame, the gambling market has progressed and expanded rapidly through time.
Reworked Games
If We're Searching for categorization of movies , they are divided into eight Big categories:


All these  Are fast paced and might have a great deal of violence for this reason. Action games are often inappropriate for kids. Such matches fall under the class"M" (mature-rated).  Cases are Halo, Star Wars, Jedi Knight and Enter the Matrix.

Experience and Role Playing

All these  Are generally not as graphic as actions games and can choose the player to surrealism and fantasy. Though experience and role-playing games frequently include violence, it isn't regarded as as extreme as the violence in activity games. Examples of this group are Borderlands 2, Final Fantasy, Legend of Mana and Billy Hatcher.

As The title suggests, it's a game where the participant sees the activity through the eyes of the personality he's representing and entails using pistols or rifles to kill the enemy. On account of the violence involved in this genre of games, they aren't acceptable for young kids.  Examples of those games are"Half-Life,"Half-Life two","Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" etc.

Structure and Control Simulation (CMS)

As The name implies, in the matches belonging to the genre, the players are expected to construct, expand and handle imaginary communities and projects using very little funds. Examples of the genre include,"SimCity" and"Harvest Moon".


Here The emphasis is on strategy instead of on violence and such games are slower that provides the participant time to get strategic thinking, resource management and likely to accomplish success. Most are war based and violence isn't totally absent. These games aren't acceptable for kids. Some instances are Advanced Wars I & II, Civilization V and Crusader Kings II.


All these are Computer or video games which simulate real world scenarios under match settings. Within this class, the 3 popular matches are Racing Simulators, Flight Simulators and Sims.  There are tons of games within this course to amuse kids. A few examples of simulation games include: Football Manager, Farming Simulator 2013, The Sims and Evil Genius.


The Machine Game or Platformer is includes leaping between frozen platforms of varying heights or barriers and occasionally both to proceed in the sport. A few cases of Platformer are 40 Winks, Abuse, Action 52 and Adventure Island.


Puzzle Video games are a category of games which need puzzle solving. The sorts of puzzles which have to be solved may entail many problem solving abilities like using logic, word conclusion sequence solving, design and pattern recognition. A few cases of Puzzle Video Games are Mario, Bejeweled 3, Cradle of Rome two and Hidden Objects.

While on the Topic, let's not overlook Sports games like NHL 13, and FIFA Soccer 13 and Arcade games for example Chicken Shoot 1, Toy Story Mania and Angry Birds to list a couple.

Now, video games have been enjoyed by a broad  Cross-section of the society, from toddlers to grandparents and those have been approved by everybody as a fantastic way of amusement and regarded as better than watching TV because it requires that the viewer's involvement and interaction.

The overall sense is that video games don't offer any advantages to the participant and notably so in the case of kids.

Unlike  To this view, there are lots of advantages in allowing kids to play certain kinds of games. Most significant of those benefits is that the development of:

· Cognitive thinking abilities

· Real-time decision-making skills

· Hand-eye coordination

· Cooperative playing abilities

Maintaining video games from the reach of children can simply deprive them of those advantages.

A Kid's creativity can be aroused through role-playing and experience games. Even though a number of those games may appear tasteless because of the graphic character and violence, they could play a constructive and significant part in a child's development by encouraging teamwork, developing confidence and enhancing motor skills. Playing these video games will just supply a child with a wholesome way of expression.

Particular video games are thought to teach kids high level thinking skills that they'd take advantage of in the long run.

Now that we've looked at the advantages for kids, let us look at exactly what advantages video games endure for the rest of us.

Research To the advantages and disadvantages of video games have been conducted by several bodies such as universities in certain areas of the planet and the outcome is that the pros outweigh the disadvantages in respect of advantages.

When Playing video games, you would have to respond fast and take split second choices so as to be successful at the specified task. It's thought that this type of practice will provide rewards in real life where you'd be able respond with pace and take rapid decisions.

Brain Scientists have found a specific compelling video game, made by means of a research and development group in the University of California at San Francisco could enhance the short-term memory and long term attention of elderly adults.

It had been discovered that immersion in a match distracts the Head from pain and distress. Because of this reason, some physicians have begun to indicate that kids and others experiencing painful therapies play games to lessen their distress and stress.

Some Video games have supplied advancement in"Cognitive Flexibility", that's the ability to change quickly from 1 activity to another.

Investigators  From North Carolina State University discovered a connection between playing video games and psychological well-being one of the elderly. They discovered that those citizens that played video gamesoccasionally, experienced a country of well- being and pleasure.

Gaming may also enhance family relationships, since a number of those games can and needs to be played together.

According To a studies conducted in the University of Rochester, individuals playing particular types of movie games have revealed improvements in evaluations in these regions:

• Multitasking

• Care

• Truth

• Vision

The Only matter a video game participant or their family should make certain is that it doesn't become addictive at all. A video game participant should not wind up spending hours on end playing games and losing track of time and place and while failing responsibilities, private errands and obligations.

Another thing which the parents of minors Will Need to Make sure that their children access access only to instructional or similar games that are acceptable for their age category and also the fantastic thing is that there is a massive choice of games available which are acceptable for many ages.

A movie game content evaluation is a method is available in Many nations and they're utilized to classify video games to suitability-related age groups related to its contents that, if followed, can help limit the negative elements of a few of the games.

Finally, If movie game players can play in moderation, and adhere just to The classes of games acceptable to their various ages, they could  Derive numerous advantages as mentioned previously.